Monday, October 21, 2013

Bandung Contemporary

Will be participating in this event. My works will be exhibited at Lawangwangi Art Space. The Opening event will be held at Bale Tonggoh, at Selasar Soenaryo on Tuesday, October 22, 2013. If you happened to be in Bandung on that day, do come and join (Free snacks is always my favorite part from an exhibition opening). Meanwhile, here's a teaser video for more info about the event. Or simply click their website, here. Ciao.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

She is not alone.
She is not alone today.
She is not alone.
She is not alone.
She is not alone.
She is.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Dear People, How Are You?

Not much to tell. Just got into a new office, new working hours (12 hours a day, sometimes more). Been having best friends (yes, friend's', not just one) leaving abroad. Been feeling like missing everyone = having the need to talk to people = you might find words more in my blog now, I beg your pardon. Here's a mini slide show of some things that I might accidentally hide from you, dear readers. In a reverse order.

I cut my hair. Again. The third time in these past 5 months.

My works for JAMS. Were continued as another set for an upcoming exhibition.

One of my sweet achievement this year: our dear exhibition. We even got featured on Kompas and Tempo! "Feels like we're the coolest girl gang in town," one of us told me. Amazing moment.

Last but not least: Did I tell you that I lived in Melbourne for 2 months? This was before I got in my current job. In short: quitting my old job and hoping to find enlightenment by applying some courses overboard. Successfully worked as a volunteer at two galleries. Watched Trail of Dead and Local Natives. Missed King Tuff's show. Two weeks after I left, Boris came to Melbourne *though luck. Feeling like missing those days now. Those feels-like-a-really-long-dream days.

And there you go. My 6 months recap in one post. Pardon me for this big urge of talking I'm having. So then, how are you?